ITS Tactical

Gearing Up for the 4th Annual ITS Muster: Skills You Need to Know

Muster 3

We’re busy here at ITS HQ prepping for Muster 4 and time is running out to get your payment sent in before the price increase! If you’re on the fence about attending, head to the Muster Registration page for more information.

Bringing our community together, the Muster will be your chance to spend a few days with the crew from ITS Tactical, get hands-on and learn together. We have a limited number of seats available for the Muster and you’ll need to be a paid ITS Member to attend. Crew Leader is the only membership level that has open enrollment right now and as a reminder, the only way to become a Life Member is to attend a Muster. For details on becoming a Crew Leader, click here.

While the Muster won’t be a physically demanding event, you may encounter some hiking and climbing so your level of fitness should allow for this. You’re going to get dirty, you’re going to be tired, but you’ll leave with more knowledge than you came with, great memories and friendships forged.

Below are some articles that can help you plan for some of the training provided at Muster. While we’re not going to give away all the details, you may want to refresh your knowledge of the following topics.

Knot Tying

Knot Tying is an important everyday skill-set to have, but at Muster, it’s crucial! These articles provide resources on tying some common knots and methods to better your knot tying!

Knot Tying Resources in Praise of the Humble Knot


Muster requires teams to keep up on their comms during the entire event,whether it’s reporting on the squad’s status or sending crucial information regarding an exercise. Get a jump start on your comms knowledge with these articles.


During Muster, observation and situational awareness come together in the form of Tracking. Learning how to read signs left by individuals or groups can help you determine where they’re coming from or where they’re headed. These articles give some insight into tracking and what tools and skills trackers use.

Ghillie Suits

Ghillie Suits are well known in the sniper community and provide snipers with concealment. We’ve got some great training planned around them for Muster this year so be sure to check out these articles to get prepared.

Dead Drops

When you’re not able to pass information directly to your recipient, using a dead drop can be extremely useful. While we can’t go into specifics on why you’ll need information on Dead Drops, we’ll just suggest having a look at these articles.

Red Teaming

Red Teaming is something that we’ve discussed many times before on ITS but this is the first time that we’ll be providing an instruction block on it at Muster. Review these articles to understand more about the techniques and tools used in Red Teaming.

Click Here for 2015 Muster Information and Registration

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