ITS Tactical

ITS Anniversary Giveaway Numero Siete

Today is the last day of our week of giveaways in honor of the 1st Anniversary of ITS Tactical!

Hurry up and get your entry in for this one, because we’re selecting the winners tomorrow evening!!

So what can you win today?

Contest Details

Enter today’s contest and you could win the following:

Our 1st Anniversary Giveaways will follow the same rules as out Reader Appreciation Contest, so for instructions on how you can get your entry in, take a look at our contest rules. Winner will also receive free shipping.

The only change from the Reader Appreciation Contest rules are that the winners of all contests will be announced on Thursday evening, April 8th 2010. You can enter each day’s contest, but only once.

Be sure to read the contest rules carefully!

Thanks for entering and supporting ITS Tactical. Good luck!!

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