ITS Tactical

Sneak Peek of Muster 2: Skill-Set Development Excursion

Muster Skill Set Excursion

The ITS team just got back from a long and busy week at our second annual ITS Muster Skill-Set Development Excursion and we had an absolute blast. We had the opportunity to meet and interact with ITS members from all over and get to know them on a more personal level.

It wasn’t nearly as cold as it was last year, but we did get a nice thunderstorm this time around. Luckily everyone was fully prepared for any weather scenario and it didn’t have any real effect on things. Nice try, Texas weather!

This year, we integrated many of the common skill-sets we advocate here on ITS into nearly a week packed full of instruction on Self-Defense; Ascending and Rappelling; Lashings and Knot Tying, Physical Security & Escape from Illegal Restraint; Trauma Management, Drags and Carries; Cover & Concealment and Tracking & Patrolling. Instructors from all backgrounds were able to deliver incredible classes along with practical applications of these various skills.

Enjoy this preview and stay tuned for more information and photos from Muster 2!

Muster Skill Set Excursion

Muster Skill Set Excursion

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