ITS Tactical

We’re Excited to Announce Our Newest Patented Design!

4-Way Mounting System Patent

Since designing and releasing the ETA Trauma Kit Pouch in 2011, we’ve seen a slew of imitations and outright copies. We’ve even seen reputable companies introducing copies of this design as recently as this month. While the saying goes “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” we believe in staying ahead of the competition by continuing to innovate and protecting our designs.

For those of you who have commented, shared or even messaged us about some of the copycat designs you’ve seen in the past, we sincerely thank you. As we approach our 14th year in business, we wouldn’t be anywhere without your support. For any companies out there looking for a great Trauma Kit Pouch, hit us up. We have a fantastic reseller program and we’re always happy to work with other small businesses.

We’ve learned over the years that the best way to protect our designs and intellectual property is to invest in the legal teeth that will allow us to continue to change the game, one design at a time. We’re proud to announce today that we’ve been issued U.S. Patent – 11,602,406 B1 for our 4-Way Mounting System™! There’s more bureaucracy and cost in collecting patents than tax stamps, but unfortunately, it’s an inevitable part of business.

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