Could You Pass the WWII Fitness Test?
Could You Pass the WWII Fitness Test?
How’s your fitness level? Many of us have found extra time in our schedules over the last few months, but much of it seems to be dedicated to streaming and posting, rather than exercise. While picking up that barbell might not be as easy or enjoyable as picking up a remote, it never hurts to stay strong and capable of saving yourself.
If you’re looking for inspiration or to see how you stack up to those that came before, consider checking out this article that poses the question, Are You As Fit As a World War II GI? It’s an interesting look into how fitness was viewed in the past and you might be surprised at just how fit the average candidate was.
Back in Stock: Land Navigation Starter Pack
Now back in stock, the ITS Land Navigation Starter Pack takes out the guesswork behind navigating with a map and compass. It includes reference guides and tools, the all-important protractor and everything you’ll need to make your own pace count beads. Just grab a local topographic map, a compass and hit the trail!