ITS Tactical

Reduced Light Shooting Tips

Light rayThe purpose of this article is to assist you in developing the skills necessary for effectively employing a semi-automatic pistol during a shooting confrontation in other than daylight conditions.

As a L.E.O. / Military / Security Professional, you will work in various low-light conditions. Therefore, you  must be prepared to properly perform in other than ideal conditions.

In order to successfully shoot a threat in Reduced Light the Shooter should be able to demonstrate and/or identify:

Two types of Light

Ambient Light: Moon light, Street lights, light from traffic, alley lights, runway lights, emergency lights, parking lot lights, Light you do not control, etc.    

Alternative light source: Light Switches, your own Flashlight, Light you have control over.

Low Light Hints

BE PREPARED: Always Bring your light and whenever possible become familiar with your environment.

VISION: The human eye requires as much as 30-45 minutes to adjust to darkness, therefore you can plan ahead!

“If the officer smokes, he/she loses 20% of their night vision capability at sea level.    This equals a physiological altitude of 5,000 feet” (Parsons 13).

These are the basics for the classroom portion of the lowlight course; I suggest finding a competent instructor in your area to teach you the proper shooting techniques in a safe manner.

“Doc” Up!

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