Boonie Hat Paracord Storage Sinnet: A Quick-Release Method to Store 550 Cord
Boonie Hat Paracord Storage Sinnet: A Quick-Release Method to Store 550 Cord
On today’s latest Knot of the Week, I’ll be explaining a method I’ve found for not only storing paracord on a boonie hat, but to weave it using a Chain Sinnet. This will allow you to quickly remove it if and when you need it.
If you remember previous knots we’ve taught here on ITS, we’ve gone over a Paracord Storage Sinnet and a Chain Sinnet in the past. With the storage sinnet we created you wind up with a donut looking paracord spool that can quickly unravel as you need the cordage. While this is a great method for storage, the downside is the time it takes you to create it.
You’re certainly not saving yourself any time with the method below, but you’re also not spooling 50 or 100 feet into a storage sinnet either, which can take up to an hour and a half. With the Boonie Hat Paracord Storage Sinnet, you can take a 20-30 ft. section of paracord and weave it on in about 30-45 minutes.
This may seem like a long time, but think of it as an investment. If you wear a boonie hat and have seen other methods for storing paracord on one, you’ve probably seen it all like I have. My issue with other methods is that they may look great, or have an awesome pattern, but how long is it going to take you to untie that when you need it?
I feel that this method I’ll show you today will solve that issue. Again, investing the time now to weave in this sinnet fashion will save you time in the long run when you most need it.
Boonie Hat Paracord Storage Sinnet » Coils
(Strength: 4/Secure: 4/Stability: 4/Difficulty: 3)
Please refer to our Knot of the Week introduction post for a description of what these ratings mean.
For this project, you’ll need around 20-30 feet of paracord. It’s always better to start on the longer side so that you don’t run out along the way.
Tying Instructions
Please refer to the embedded video and detailed photos below for instructions.
